Inspiration, Intention, Action 7/24 - The ADHD Project Newsletter

Inspiration, Intention, Action 7/24 - The ADHD Project Newsletter

Are you ready to stop trying to do things and start DOING them? Living with ADHD can sometimes feel like navigating a maze, but fear not—I have a treasure trove of ADHD-friendly strategies to share with you!

I truly believe that setting clear daily intentions is a big part of the secret to making remarkable progress. Daily intention setting is about more than just wishful thinking; it's a powerful habit that helps you channel your focus and energy in the right direction.

Picture this: You start every morning with a clear sense of purpose, knowing exactly what you want to accomplish for the day. With practical daily intention-setting techniques, you'll gain the confidence and clarity to tackle your tasks one step at a time.

Here’s what you can look forward to when practicing Daily Intentions along with some of the other strategies we teach:
  1. Start with Intent: Discover how setting a simple intention each morning can transform your mindset and set a positive tone for the day ahead.
  2. Your ADHD-Friendly Planner: Seamlessly integrate your daily intentions into our specially designed ADHD Project Planner. This tool is your sidekick for staying organized, staying on track, and celebrating your progress.
  3. Focused Prioritization: Learn how to identify the most impactful tasks and prioritize them to avoid getting overwhelmed.
  4. Embrace Progress, Not Perfection: We'll show you how to celebrate even the smallest wins and embrace a growth mindset on your ADHD journey.
Now, you might be thinking, "What about the other ADHD-friendly strategies?" Don't worry—I've got you covered. Daily intention-setting perfectly complements the other strategies I teach in the THRIVE course and ADHD Project Planner. By breaking down your projects into manageable tasks and leveraging the power of consistency, you'll create a solid foundation for success within the context of your daily intention.

As a token of appreciation and encouragement that you will feel better once you add this to your routine, I’m happy to offer a 15% discount on The ADHD Project Planner – an indispensable tool to help you master daily intention setting and SO much more. Use code ADHDINTENT at checkout or click the button at the bottom of this email to claim your special discount.

Are you ready to step into your full potential and achieve your goals with intent? Embrace the power of daily intention setting and join us on this incredible journey. Click the link below to explore our ADHD-friendly strategies and unlock your potential.

Thanks as always for reading,
Aaron Frank
Founder, The ADHD Project
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