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We spend most of our lives working, hoping that one day it will pay off for us, sometimes going through misery in pursuit of happiness. But what about enjoying your life now? Your co-hosts have both taken similar paths, shifting gears mid-stream and re-evaluating their priorities to focus on living a life they love living instead of sticking with jobs that made them miserable.

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Meet Your Co-Hosts!

Aaron Frank founded The ADHD Project to help others with ADHD lead more fulfilling lives through sharing information, tools, and resources to help you manage your daily life.

Cass Caduto is a Playwright, Actor, and Musician whose work has been seen off-Broadway and at more music venues than you can count! Her deeply personal play "Permanent Solutions" deals with difficult subjects such as mental health and suicide. 

Our inspiration

We genuinely believe those with ADHD are meant to live outside of the box, and we're going to show you how we're doing exactly that! Along the way we will be telling our stories of how we threw out the "plan" and gave up jobs that were lucrative, but miserable to pursue a life we LOVE living.

Planning is great, but we shouldn't force ourselves into the generally accepted "plan" for a happy life, we need to define what happiness means on OUR terms.

Where to Find Us

We're making sure you can tune in from anywhere, anytime. The podcast will be available as audio on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and Audible. Prefer to watch? We've got you covered with video versions on YouTube.

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