About The ADHD Project

The ADHD Project was founded in 2022 by Aaron Frank as a way to help those with ADHD lead more fulfilling lives by sharing strategies, practices, and resources. We encourage anyone who is affected by ADHD or just wants some more information to check out our blog and subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

By raising awareness, we aim to help end the stigma associated with our condition. ADHD is more than just having a short attention span. For millions of people across the world, it's a deeply emotional condition, impacting your fundamental perception of the human experience and requiring constant effort to manage.

Aaron speaks on how he's turned this and other challenges into strengths, and finding your inner inspiration to push forward in the face of endless obstacles.

We are not and do not represent ourselves as medical professionals in any way, and the information shared here is for educational purposes and is not meant to replace professional medical help. We strongly encourage you to seek the help of a licensed medical professional if you have or think you may have ADHD or any other medical condition, physical or mental.

Aaron lives in New England with his wife Marcy and their cat Lily. Their hobbies include travel, cooking, hiking, and playing music. After a decade in the financial industry, Aaron founded The ADHD Project to help those with ADHD and make a positive impact in our community. He has dedicated himself to showing those of all different abilities that we all are capable of doing something great with our lives, and that greatness can mean different things to different people.  

Here are some ADHD Resource Organizations for you to check out, we support them and they have a TON of great information and tools for us:

Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD)
ADDitude Magazine
Bicycle Health - ADHD and Opioid Use
Attention Deficit Disorder Association
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Mental Health America 

For business inquiries, please contact info@theadhdproject.com.


In a crisis? Call or text 988.

Call or text the NAMI Helpline at 800-950-6264,  M-F, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. ET. 

Help is available to those who need it, we are not affiliated however we do support and recommend the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Helpline if you don't know where to start.