So Many Things, So MUCH Time! - We often feel like we don't have enough time to do all of the things we want to, but the reality is we don't always need more time. What we really need is more focused action, so we can make good use of the time we already have. Don’t wait to find long blocks of uninterrupted time to tackle organizational chores. In one minute, you can sort mail, remove lint from the dryer, or water the plants. In five minutes, you can empty the dishwasher or write an e-mail. While you wait for your laundry to dry, you can mate socks and gather clothes for dry cleaning. This week I challenge you to fill in your wasted minutes. Don't try and fit a 10 minute task into 2, but if you have 2 minutes then do something with it! (Tip: When you use The ADHD Project Planner to schedule out your time blocks, you'll start noticing these "gaps" in between scheduled tasks. See if you can fit something in between them!) |