Inspiration, Intention, Action - The ADHD Project Newsletter 1/29
I know firsthand, as many of you do, that the grind of life with ADHD is like being in a boxing ring, except the opponent is invisible and the rounds never seem to end. The idea of self-improvement in this context might seem daunting, or even impossible at times. But here's a truth I've learned: the key to thriving with ADHD isn't just about managing symptoms; it's about embracing a relentless commitment to self-improvement, no matter the odds.
Imagine you're in a boat, in the middle of a vast, unpredictable ocean. The waves are your daily challenges, some small, some dauntingly large. You can't control the ocean, but you can learn to sail better, navigate more skillfully. That's what self-improvement with ADHD is about. It's about mastering the art of sailing in your unique ocean.
Remember, it's HARD out here. But as someone who's been in those choppy waters, I can tell you two crucial things – first, you can only control your actions, and second, there's always room for improvement. It's a slow process, sure, but it's also a powerful one. Over time, it teaches you to trust yourself, to trust the process. It builds a confidence that's unshakeable because it's rooted in real, hard-earned progress.
And yes, it takes a long time to see these improvements. But think of it as sculpting a masterpiece. Each day, you chip away a tiny piece of the marble. It might not seem like much, but over time, a form begins to emerge – the best version of yourself.
One of my favorite quotes comes from an unlikely source – a fictional paper salesman named Dwight K. Schrute who once said: "I am ready to face any challenges that are foolish enough to face me." That's the attitude we need. To face the challenges head-on, not with arrogance, but with the confidence that comes from knowing you're continuously working on yourself.
I'm not talking about hubris, I'm talking about something that only comes from knowing that there's no possible way the opponent is working harder than you. Take current Formula 1 Champion Max Verstappen for example. His success on the track isn't just due to his natural talent or the quality of his car – it's a direct result of his unyielding dedication and work ethic. Max understands that in the high-stakes world of F1 racing, the margin for error is minuscule, and the difference between first and second place can be mere fractions of a second. That's why he commits every day to perfecting his craft, to understanding every nuance of his car, and to pushing his physical and mental limits.
Remember, self-improvement isn't a destination; it's a journey. In our journey with ADHD, we can take a page from Max's book. When you approach life with this kind of dedication, you develop a sense of inner confidence that's unshakable. You know that no matter what the world throws at you, you're working as hard as you possibly can to be your best self.
It's about becoming a little better today than you were yesterday. And sure, some days, you might not feel like you've made progress. But trust me, even the smallest steps forward are victories worth celebrating.
In conclusion, let's take this to heart: Be relentless, not just in facing challenges but in improving yourself. Embrace the hard work, the slow progress, and the journey of self-discovery. Because at the end of the day, when you look back, you'll see a path marked by growth, resilience, and an unwavering spirit. That's what living with ADHD is about. It's not just about managing symptoms; it's about thriving despite them.
Stay strong, stay committed, and most importantly, stay relentless in your pursuit of self-improvement. The journey might be long, but it's ours, and it's worth every step.
Thanks as always for reading,
Aaron Frank
Founder, The ADHD Project